

1. 目的

A 医疗撤退 is designed for students who suffer from a physical or psychological condition that prevents them from successfully completing their academic responsibilities in a given semester. 医疗休学允许学生在学期中的任何时间休学, 即使是在正式的截止日期之后.

2. 适用性

This policy applies to graduate (except for medical students in the College of Medicine) and undergraduate students; also, 给那些有这些学生的老师.

3. 定义

住宿: 是否有学术上的改变, 调整, 辅助艾滋病, and/or services that give a student with a disability an equal opportunity to benefit from the educational process.

医疗服务提供者: is described as any professional that is licensed and appropriately credentialed to diagnose and treat the identified physical or psychological condition.

能力: is described as a physical or mental inability to do something or to manage one's affairs.

医疗条件: is described as a physical or psychological condition that prevents a student from successfully completing their academic responsibilities in a given semester.

4. 政策指导方针

4.1  A 医疗撤退 affects all the courses in which the student is enrolled in a given semester. Students will not be able to request a 医疗撤退 for individual courses unless authorized by the Provost. Exceptions may be made when one course is offered during part of a semester and other courses were taken at a different time during that semester. 例如, 如果学生在学期期间上课时生病, a 医疗撤退 will only impact all Maymester courses but not courses taken during other terms in the summer semester.

4.2  Although generally the request for a 医疗撤退 should be submitted prior to the end of the term, if the student can document that the medical condition prevented him/her from requesting a 医疗撤退 during the semester in question, 医疗撤回可以追溯适用. The time limit to request a retroactive 医疗撤退 will be six months after the end of the semester in question.

4.3  一旦医疗退出被批准, the office of the Registrar will notify the student with copies to the Provost and the Dean of the college of the student’s major program.

5. 程序

5.1  医疗撤销请求和所有证明资料必须提交给:

电话:al36688 -0002
P: (251) 460-7212
F: (251) 414-8176

5.2  The Director of the Center for Educational Accessibility and Disability 资源 will determine if the student is eligible for a 医疗撤退 and forward the request to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs for final approval. The student may appeal a denial of 医疗撤退 request with the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. 教务长和学术事务高级副校长的决定将是最终决定.

5.3  如果疾病是慢性/永久性的, students will be encouraged to register with the Center for Educational Accessibility and Disability 资源.

5.4  Students will not be able to receive repeated 医疗撤退s for the same medical condition unless such condition is associated with unpredictable exacerbations that may interfere with the student’s academic performance.

5.5  申请医疗休学的学生必须提供以下文件:

5.5.1  A signed letter or an email from the student’s JagMail account requesting a medical withdrawal for a specific semester. 请求信必须包括以下信息:

      • 学生的捷豹号和目前的十大玩彩信誉平台;
      • 描述身体状况如何影响学习成绩;
      • 疾病开始的日期;
      • 最后一次出勤和/或提交作业的日期, 以及其他相关信息. 

5.5.2  A letter from the student’s parent or legal guardian may be acceptable if the student is incapacitated.

5.5.3有执照的医疗保健提供者的信函, 在他们的信纸上, 由提供者签名, 建议允许该学生在一个特定的学期内因病休学.

5.5.3.信函需要包括发病日期/医疗状况的持续时间, 也表明病情严重到无法出席, 参与, 和/或该学期的表现. .为了保护学生的隐私, 不需要包括具体的症状或诊断.

5.5.3.如果医疗状况可能导致或已经导致残疾, the health professional should provide details concerning what types of support/accommodations the student may need once they are able to return.

5.5.医学学术信息发布授权书, 学生签名, 在需要联系医疗服务提供者的情况下是否需要.

5.6  Submission of a false medical excuse will be considered a Level II form of Academic Misconduct.

5.7  在回到大学之前, the student will need to provide a letter from the healthcare provider to the Center for Educational Accessibility and Disability 资源 stating that he/she is ready to resume academic work. 在学生参加临床项目的情况下, a copy of the letter must be also forwarded to the program coordinator or department chair. 任何住宿要求将在这个时候被考虑. The student must then communicate with the advisor of the student’s major to select appropriate courses. 重新注册的时间框架可能取决于课程的可用性.

5.8  金融的影响:

5.6.1  Tuition reimbursement in cases of 医疗撤退 will follow the university’s reimbursement withdrawal policy. 因此, students receiving a 医疗撤退 may be eligible to a 100% or 50% refund if the request is made before the deadlines listed in the academic calendar. 然而, 按照联邦的指导方针, complete withdrawal from the institution will require a portion of Federal Financial aid grant or loan funds, 除了联邦勤工俭学收入, to be returned to the applicable federal program (s) based on the student's last date of attendance.

5.6.如果联邦援助接受者在开始上学后完全退学, the amount of federal aid earned by the student must be determined based on the number of days the student attended in the given term. 如果支付给学生的金额大于学生所赚取的金额, the unearned federal aid funds must be returned and the student may owe a balance to the University.

6. 执行

The University’s Center for Educational Accessibility and Disability 资源 (Student Affairs Division) is responsible for this policy, and for assuring the necessary members of the 十大玩彩信誉平台 community are aware of it. Noncompliance with this policy will be addressed by the Center for Educational Accessibility and Disability 资源.

7. 相关文档
