

Freshman Thanh Haas said the Marx Library is her favorite location on campus at the 十大玩彩信誉平台. “我喜欢二楼的景色. 你可以坐在旁边 有大窗户,可以俯瞰湖面,” she said. data-lightbox =“特色”
Thanh Haas said Marx Library is her favorite location on campus at the University 南阿拉巴马州. “我喜欢二楼的景色. 你可以坐在旁边 有大窗户,可以俯瞰湖面,” she said.

#FreshmanFocus is a series focused on incoming freshmen at the University of 南 阿拉巴马州. 

After managing a Vietnamese restaurant and doing other jobs in Mobile, Thanh Haas got the idea for a new business venture – a coffee shop near the University of 南 阿拉巴马州.

Then she changed her mind and chose a new direction in the same neighborhood.

“I heard this voice in my head and decided not to invest in this business, but in 我的教育,”36岁的哈斯说. “我想,这所学校就是我想去的地方. 所以我 去了 德国 我和他们谈了谈,他们同意了.”

Haas was born in Vietnam, but 左 to live and work in 德国y at the age of 20. 她 遇见并嫁给了一位德国工程师. Six years ago, his job brought 他们 to 阿拉巴马州, 他们的儿子和女儿出生在哪里.

“We wanted to challenge ourselves and take this adventure,” she said. “我们决定 to stay because of the weather, and the local people, and living close to the beach 在周末.”

在南, people know Haas by her childhood nickname, “Moon.她决定要双份的 德语及英语专业 酒店及旅游管理但是首先她得提高她的英语. 现在她要上大一的市场营销课, public speaking, advanced 德国 and 酒店及旅游管理.


“My father had a restaurant and was a wedding planner before he retired,” she said. “我妈妈有自己的生意. 我从他们身上学到了很多.”

问Thanh Haas的八个问题:


“有一件事让我很惊讶. In Vietnam, we were afraid to meet with our professors, 但在十大玩彩信誉平台,不是这样的. 你可以去和他们谈谈. 我的营销 教授,博士. Robert Thompson, he knew I had children and couldn’t start a class during the pandemic, so he met me in the parking lot with my textbook. 这让我 感觉很特别.”


“是的,马克思图书馆. 我喜欢二楼的景色. 你可以坐在旁边 有大窗户,可以俯瞰湖面. 当我开始在南方学校上学时,我会来 and try to read, write and improve my vocabulary.”

你提到了海滩. 你最喜欢墨西哥湾沿岸的哪个地方?

“We go to Pensacola Beach and Santa Rosa Island. 我丈夫喜欢开车去一个安静的地方 part and we enjoy the sunset before we go home.”

Why did you decide to study 酒店及旅游管理?

“I worked for years in the tourism industry in Vietnam. 我真的很想工作 在国际贸易中. 我喜欢为人们服务.”


“I loved the culture, the people, the education system – I went to a 德国 community 大学. 我遇到了我的丈夫. 我可以说德国是我的第二故乡.”


“I learned English before I learned 德国, but I never studied academic English before 我搬到了美国,来到了南方. 我在德国学过德语,所以 现在对我来说没那么难了. 德语语法可能很难. 你得坐下来 分析一下,你在做这个还是做那个?”

Where do you see yourself five years after graduation?

“My plan is to look for a school where I can work with children and teach 他们 德国. 语言改变了我的生活. I think they’re really important, and I love teaching 他们.”


“烤. I bake 德国 bread a lot – I won’t buy it from the store. 我丈夫喜欢 it. 他说,‘哦,味道就像我妈妈做的.’”


