新的开始:Charbel Mawad在校园生活中找到了新的兴趣

Posted on November 9, 2021

Charbel Mawad在米切尔商学院主修会计学.  data-lightbox='featured'
Charbel Mawad在米切尔商学院主修会计学.

#FreshmanFocus是一系列十大玩彩信誉平台南大新生的报道 阿拉巴马州.

在莫比尔的麦吉尔-图伦天主教高中,Charbel Mawad学习成绩优异 — he was selected as a Mitchell Scholar 但他并没有参加很多俱乐部或活动.

“在南方,我正试图改变这种状况,”他说. “I want to participate more.”

一位朋友建议Mawad申请 First Year Council. He was accepted. 现在,他发现自己在委员会任职,并自愿参加 慈善活动,如由Alpha Epsilon Delta赞助的Mega Musical Chairs 卫生专业预科荣誉学会和最大的学生组织之一 在校园.  

他说:“我们不得不裁判抢椅子游戏。. “It was pretty hectic, with everyone running around. It was pretty fun.”

Mawad住在西莫比尔的家里,到学校的通勤距离很短. His self-development 计划包括锻炼、学习烹饪和腾出更多时间阅读. 还有 writing computer code.

“I want to learn a language,” he said. “Like C++ or Python.”

Mitchell College of Business, where Mawad majors in 会计他的姐姐是一名金融专业的大四学生,学生和教授都认识她. “哦,你是莱娅的弟弟,”他听到. He’s also known as a Mitchell Scholar, 其中包括领导力课程、商业实习以及与教师导师一起工作.

“现在我对它了解得更多了,”Mawad说. “It helps you focus and move forward. It’s a big deal.”

十大玩彩信誉平台,他计划加入大学企业家组织(Collegiate Entrepreneurs’Organization). 总有一天,他会 like to start his own business. Real estate is one of his interests. 或者他可能会 去法学院.

Mawad来自莫比尔的一个黎巴嫩裔美国家庭. Its roots in the United States 包括与十大玩彩信誉平台的联系.



“Once every couple of days. We’re pretty close. If we see one another, we’ll wave 和说话.”

Are you into pop culture? Are you a movie guy or music guy?

“I listen to a lot of alternative rock. Groups like Cage the Elephant. 我进入了 them during quarantine. And I’m watching ‘Squid Game.’ I’ve seen all the memes.”

Do you have any secret talents?

“我真的、真的、真的很擅长桌上足球. We got a table awhile back.”

Where is your family from in Lebanon?

“我们来自贝鲁特东北部一个叫Ghosta的村庄. We go there every summer. 这是一个小村庄,大概有2000人——小到每个人都能互相认识 其他的. 每次我们去,他们都叫我“美国人”.’”

Do you speak Arabic?

“I speak Arabic and French. 我的阿拉伯语比较好,但我打算学法语 my foreign language at 南.”

You’re a Mitchell Scholar. Have you met Abe Mitchell?

“Yes, he came in 和说话ed to us. 他比我想象的要友好,而且很明显 非常慷慨的. I’d aspire to be like him.”

你安排课程的策略是什么? Morning or afternoon?

“All of my classes are in the morning. It motivates me to get up early. 如果我的课 如果是在下午,我会起得很晚. 如果我有足够的课间休息时间, I’ll go home and grab a snack. 下课后,我会去健身房或图书馆. 我通常去四楼,坐在窗前.”

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