
This program has been supported by a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant (T99HP33560) developed to enhance medical student’s educational experience in preparing them to serve populations in rural and underserved areas. 主 Care Pathway (PCP) is a longitudinal, 4-year curriculum emphasizing clinical instruction 侧重于初级保健实践所需的广泛技能. 它完成了这个 by:

  1. Adding critical content areas to students learning experience that enhances students 准备好服务这个社区
  2. Developing a curriculum in creative formats to enhance student learning experiences
  3. Purchasing telehealth technology, services, and training for sites allowing service 供应商利用技术来更好地服务客户
  4. Providing training and support for site supervisors who will mentor students
  5. Arranging clerkship experiences at one site over 4 years in order to facilitate longitudinal relationship allowing students to deepen their learning experience in this environment
  6. Recruiting high school students through a health career exploration program that incorporates 他们在夏天被送到护理小组.
  7. Collaborating with sites to have medical students carry out Summer 质量改进 学术活动(8周活动$2500).

在这个项目中有很多令人兴奋的机会. 学生将被选中 为 初级保健衔接课程 based on an interest in primary care and a willingness to commit to the practice 住院医师培训结束后. 



▼   它包括什么??


  • Eight, one hour sessions (some individual preparation may be required)
  • 14 days of clinic experience in the same community-based primary care clinic
  • 夏季质量改进项目,并做报告
  • 与教员研究员的辅导课程


  • 学者 assigned to clinic site for primary care clerkships of 家庭医学, Internal 医学或儿科
  • 4周PCP选择性现场
  • Participate in six didactic sessions on 领导 and identify an individual 领导 学习计划
  • Coaching sessions with PCP Fellows encompassing culturally responsive Medicine
  • Take an Acting Internship in a primary care field of 家庭医学, Internal Medicine, 和儿科


  • Complete a 4-week Capstone Practice Management/领导 project at site
  • 完成为期四周的初级保健相关基础科学选修课
▼   这对我这个医学生有什么好处?
  • 2500美元用于暑期研究项目
  • 研究直接应用于诊所和社区服务
  • 出差补偿
  • 接触持续护理
  • 为服务不足的农村人口提供持续的补充教育
  • 与同一工厂和现场主管一起培训4年.
  • 被评为PCP学者
  • 在现场指导其他学生
  • 医疗保健改进认证协会
  • 纵向4年初级保健临床经验
  • 远程医疗现场培训,提供最新技术
  • Enhanced curriculum focused on developing skills for providing effective primary care
  • 专业培训:
    • 人口健康科学
    • 团队科学/跨专业经验(IPE)
    • 响应文化的医学
    • 质量改进
    • 患者安全
    • 高价值的保健
    • 行为健康
    • 领导
  • Spend significant time in hands-on work in a community based primary care setting
  • 学生 can participate in real-time with campus-based activities while at sites 通过网络会议
  • 远程医疗教育会议
▼   有哪些暑期学术活动?

These activities are intended to benefit the specific community and population that 每个诊所都为.  为了达到这个预期的结果,网站和导师在这些 sites will be queried to determine what quality Improvement (QI) projects they feel 他们的站点最需要什么.  这些将根据每个站点的需要而有所不同 and will change over time as the clinic incorporates changes and develops over time.  一些示例主题可能包括:

  • 提高儿童免疫接种率
  • Screening Mothers for Postpartum Depression at Postpartum 访问s in an Outpatient 妇女健康诊所
  • 远程医疗技术在偏远和农村人口中的应用
  • UpHint: A 质量改进 Intervention to Improve Appointment Adherence
▼   我该如何参与?




▼   通路教员


Dr. Perkins is Professor and Chair of 家庭医学 and the principal investigator 对于这个项目. He has expertise in faculty 发展, the design and implementation of curricula and is involved in curriculum evaluation and design at a national level. 他已经结束了 25 years of experience in medical education, much of it with curriculum 发展.



Dr. Estrada is a Professor of Pediatrics and the Assistant Dean for Medical Education. 他已经结束了 25 years of experience in medical education including experience in curriculum design, implementation, and evaluation in the clinical and preclinical years.


T.J. Hundley, M.D.

Dr. Hundley is an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and currently the Associate Dean for Medical Education and oversees that division in the College. 他已经结束了 20 years of experience in medical education including curriculum design, implementation, 评估,主要是在临床年份.



Dr. 佩蒂是儿科的助理教授. 她赢得了 teaching awards and has an interest in reducing health disparities and caring for 不发达的.  她将是一个课程主题专家,一个网站资源 for pediatricians engaged in clinical education, a mentor for students, and will serve 作为PCP学者项目的教员.


朱莉·埃斯蒂斯博士.D., CCC-SLP

Dr. Estis是教师发展方面的国际专家. 她的专长包括 通过团队学习引入关键概念. 她也有丰富的经验 in program implementation and assessment, interprofessional training and simulation.



Dr. 丹尼尔是人口健康方面的专家. 她的工作重点是早期发现 以及适合筛查的癌症治疗. 她在指导方面有广泛的专业知识 学生和项目设计,实施和评估.




